If you receive the wrong item, please arrange for the return of the item through the Order Details page, selecting “incorrect items received” as the return reason. Please note, the item must be returned in the same condition it was received in within 30 days of receipt for a full refund including, where applicable, original Order delivery charges, cash handling fees, taxes and any duties.
For any missing items in your order, please visit the Contact Us section and send us an e-mail with your order number and the missing item’s name and number. Our team will look into your request and back to you in 2-3 business days.
The search bar allows you to search by keyword, Product ID or description. The bar can be found on the top-left corner of the website.
Simply browse the site, click on the desired item then click on the Add to Bag button. The item will then be in your cart, which you can visit by clicking on the bag icon on the top-right corner on desktop or at the bottom of the app. Continue shopping and once you’re ready to place your order, revisit your cart and press on Secure Checkout. Follow the simple prompts to complete the checkout process.